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      University of Skövde, link to startpage

      Research Techniques in Cognitive Neuroscience G1F

      Course, Bachelor's (1st cycle), 7.5 credits, KU333G


      Choose a course instance to see course syllabus and admission requirements.

      Autumn 2021, Location: Skövde, Pace of study: 80%


      Application is done after nomination.

      Course syllabus, with reading list

      When? Where? How?

      Study period: 6 December 2021 - 16 January 2022
      Location: Skövde, Campus, Daytime
      Pace of study: 80%

      Admission Requirements

      Admission to the course requires passed courses worth 30 credits in the main field of cognitive neuroscience, including the courses KU136G Basic Neuroscience G1N and [KU104G Scientific Foundations for Applied Positive Psychology G1N or KU108G Basic Research Methods and Philosophy of Science G1N] (or equivalent).


      Guaranteed admission.


      The courses are conducted in English.
      How do you actually take a snapshot of brain activity?

      These days, there are many techniques that show what the living, working brain is doing while it thinks, processes, feels, etc. But what are these techniques actually measuring (and what are they not measuring)? How reliable are the results, and what sort of underlying assumptions do they build upon? This course introduces some of the most popular techniques in cognitive neuroscience - such as EEG, ERP, MRI, and fMRI - with a focus on their respective strengths and weaknesses. A course for everybody who has ever seen a colorful 3D-image of a brain with some “hotspot”, and wondered what it all really means.


      Course co-ordinator


      Published: 1/30/2020
      Edited: 1/30/2020