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      Application guide for exchange students

      This guide to apply for courses is only for inbound exchange students to the University of Skövde! The application is open 15 March to 15 April, 2024. Notification of selection results will be sent at the end of May. Late applications will be processed at a later date.

      Follow this step-by-step guide on how to submit your course application via the national Swedish university application service,

      Please ignore all application information at (including course listings and contact information). The website is open to all national and international students, and contains information that is not valid for exchange students.

      For questions regarding the information in this guide, contact us by sending an email to exchangestudent@his.


      Application guide

      Go to

      The link should only be used to create an account.

      Click Log in as seen in the image below.


      At the log in page choose Create an account or eIDAS (if you are from a European country that use the eIDAS identification).


      Follow the instructions on how to create your account. Verify your email address or mobile number by entering the four digit code, or one-use code, you receive shortly after creating your account.

      When you receive confirmation from that your user profile has been created, you can begin your application for courses.

      Read the email How to apply carefully before you begin to apply for courses.

      Follow the application guide below.

      Go to the website "Courses in English: Autumn 2024" (you find the link in the Email you received from us). Please note that you may only apply via this link and for the courses listed there.

      Courses at Bachelor's level are listed on top and courses at Master's level are further down the page. For more information about a course (requirements, syllabus and course pace and dates) click on the name of the course.

      To apply for a course, click on the application link beneath the course name. The link takes you to, and once you are logged on, the course is added to your application

      In case the link does not work, copy and paste the address into a web browser (Internet Explorer does not work). We recommend you to use, for example, Google Chrome.


      For each additional course, click on the course application link (or copy and paste).

      Add courses in order of preference, with the courses you are most interested in ranked the highest. You may change the order of preference for your courses until 15 April.

      You must be admitted to 30 credits, which equals one semester of full time studies. You are free to select the 30 credits from courses in all of our subject fields.

      In addition to the 30 credits, you may add extra language courses as follows: A maximum of 15 credits in English language and 18 credits in Swedish language/culture courses. This amounts to a total of 63 credits that you can be admitted to in one semester. 

      It is also possible to include language/culture courses in the required 30 credits.

      Courses may be held full time (100%) or part time (25-75 %) and during one or more study periods. A full time course quals 1,5 credits per week. The part time courses have a slower study pace and are held over a longer period of time.

      A course held at 50 % equals 0,75 credits per week. This means that part time courses should preferably be combined with other part time courses to reach a full study load for that study period.




      Confirm your choices when you have added all the courses, in the correct order of preference, you wish to apply for.

      When you have submitted your application you will receive a confirmation email. Please save the confirmation for future reference.

      Ignore any links/information regarding "documenting your eligibility for studies" as those are not applicable to exchange students.

      You may receive a status update from that your application is "late". Please disregard this. It is an automatic response in the application system, we will process all applications.

      Instructions regarding required documents

      For more information about required documents, see the email you received - "Application Procedures for Exchange Students – Autumn Semester 2024".

      Make sure you upload all the required documents. Missing or insufficient documentation will delay your application assessment

      Submit the following documents

      • A scanned copy of an official transcript of your university records in English and in original language.
      • English Proficiency Certificate (signed/stamped by your home university) or results from approved tests.
      • A scanned copy of your passport (or Identity Card for European citizens).

      If you apply for courses at Master’s level you must also submit

      • A scanned copy of your Bachelor’s degree Certificate (diploma) accompanied by your transcript of records. Other certified proof of your Bachelor's degree from your home university is sufficient, if you have not yet received your diploma.

      Please disregard the information on the universityadmissions website regarding country, identification, course and programme requirements.

      • Remember that all documents must be uploaded in pdf format.
      • Chose a file name to help you remember which files you have uploaded.
      • Follow the instructions on the application site to upload and submit the required documents.
      • Carefully check and confirm that you have added the correct files.
      • Certify that the information you provided in your application is true and authentic by submitting.

      You are welcome to also upload syllabuses for courses you have taken previously, if you have reason to believe that further information may be needed to show that you fill the requirements for continuation or advanced courses you apply for.

      Please also upload syllabuses for courses you are taking this semester, if they are included in the requirements you need, in order to be accepted to the courses you apply for.

      Note! We provide the form for the English Proficiency Certificate that needs to be signed and stamped by your home university. We also accept TOEFL/IELTS tests. For more information, see our How to apply email.

      You will receive a confirmation, by category, of the documents you submitted.

      You are able to see the file names, but not open or access the uploaded documents.

      Congratulations you have now completed your application!

      Go to "Application" via My pages at the top of the page.

      Note your application number for future reference.





      You can log on to your account any time via

      Changes to application

      Until 15 April you may change your application (add or delete courses, and/or change the order of preference). If you want to add a course, the application procedure is the same as when you first applied. Make sure to to confirm the changes.

      Admission results

      By default the status of your application will be "unqualified" until we have reviewed your application. If you are assessed as unqualified for one ore more courses after your application has been reviewed, you will receive a notification at universityadmissions.

      The Admission results of your application – the Notification of Selection Results – will be notified online at The first results will be published on 17 May.

      Please note that the final assessment of your application will not be complete until 17 May. Until then the status update at may lable you as "unqualified" for the courses you applied for. Please disregard this.

      If you are "unqualified" for courses after 17 May, and believe you fulfill the requirements, please contact

      Check your account

      Please check your account regularily for notifications relevant to the assessment of your application, such as requests for additional documentation.

      In case you are not accepted to 30 credits, the course may be full or you do not fill the requirements, be prepared to apply for additional courses.

      If you have questions you are welcome to contact us. We are happy to help!

      Thank you for submitting your application for exchange studies at the University of Skövde!

      Admissions Office

      Published: 9/23/2020
      Edited: 9/23/2020