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      Reporting of course credits, individual commitments and credit transfers

      Ladok is a national system for study administration in higher education in Sweden. When a doctoral student is admitted to a third-cycle study programme (PhD studies), the PhD student is registered in Ladok.

      During the entire study period, and after each examination, the results from completed courses and other elements for which credits are given are registered. Courses (course credits) taken at another university or at another level of education can be credited (transferred) if they are of relevance to the student’s PhD studies and if they are included in the individual study plan (ISP).

      The PhD student can also apply to be credited with other qualifications that have been acquired in other ways, for example through previous professional activities. This is preferably done before admission to the PhD studies. All approved results are registered in Ladok.

      For more information about course examinations and credit transfer, see the guidelines for examinations in doctoral studies.

      For further information, see Instructions on credit transfer and individual commitment wiithin PhD studies (in Swedish)

      Registration of credits

      The University's own courses at third-cycle (PhD) level

      Course credits for mandatory and optional courses studied at the University are registered directly in Ladok by the course coordinator. Mandatory courses are regulated in the general syllabus.

      Individual commitment

      An individual commitment is some form of educational element for which credits are awarded (for example a 'reading course') which has been arranged within the framework of one of the University's own PhD programmes. Other examples of individual commitments are review work, conference assignments, or project work outside the PhD studies.

      Upon completion of the individual commitment, the PhD student applies, in consultation with the main supervisor, to have the individual commitment approved and assigned a credit score. Th application is made on form 5:9.

      Credit transfer

      A course taken at another university or at another level of education

      Within his or her PhD studies, the PhD student has the opportunity to transfer approved course credits from courses conducted at another university (in Sweden or internationally) or course credits taken at another educational level. Please note that credits for courses that are included in the general entry requirements cannot be transferred.

      After consultation with the main supervisor, the PhD student applies to have a credit approved and scored. The application is made on form 5:10.

      Credit transfer of previous studies or other qualifications (actual competence/prior learning)

      Other qualifications that have been acquired in other ways, for example in professional activities, may also be credited. In these cases, an assessment is made of the actual competence. The application should be made before the establishment of the PhD student's first ISP (individual study plan) and is made on form 5:11.

      Decisions on the crediting of previous studies or other qualifications are made by the Dean.

      A credit transfer of studies or qualifications acquired before admission to PhD studies means that the time for the PhD studies is shortened to a corresponding extent.

      Appeal the decision on credit transfer

      If the PhD student is dissatisfied with a decision on a credit transfer, the PhD student can appeal the decision. This must be done in writing within three weeks from the day on which the PhD student has been informed of the decision. Appeal references can be found on the decision to reject (forms 5:10 and 5:11).

      Link to new instructions regarding appeal

      Registration of form of employment, funding and degree of activity

      Prior to each new six-monthly period, the PhD student shall be registered in Ladok for continued PhD studies. At the end of each six-monthly period, the student’s form of support shall also be registered (i.e. the student’s form of employment and funding during the previous six months). The study activity shall also be recorded. The Coordinator of PhD studies informs each of the main supervisors of which information needs to be collected. It is important that the main supervisor confirms the information concerning study activity with the student, as approved absences (e.g. sick leave, parental leave, leave due to military service, etc.) are to be deducted from the study time. The total time for approved absences shall be added to the end of the PhD studies – i.e. the PhD studies will be extended by the corresponding length of time.

      For more information, please contact 

      Proof of registration and Ladok reports

      PhD students can obtain proof of registration and other reports (e.g. a summary of completed courses) directly from Ladok: Students who have studied at more than one university in Sweden can also obtain national verification of results.

      Verification of results from the University of Skövde can also be ordered from, or they can be collected from the Student Affairs Office. As an individual university, however, we are not able to print out national verification of results that include results from other universities.

      Published: 12/7/2020
      Edited: 12/7/2020