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      Licentiate seminar

      A licentiate degree comprising at least 120 credits may constitute either an independent degree or a stage towards the completion of a doctoral degree.

      By no later than six months before the planned licentiate seminar, the PhD student and supervisors must make decisions concerning the timetable, requirements, processes, etc. of the examination. This plan must be approved by the Director of PhD Studies – see the checklist for licentiate seminar.

      Notification of the licentiate seminar

      The licentiate thesis must be defended at a public seminar that is held within normal working hours during term time (spring or autumn term).

      Written application for the licentiate seminar (form 5:4) must be submitted by the main supervisor to the Coordinator of PhD Studies by no later than three months before the preliminary date of the licentiate seminar.

      Instructions concerning the licentiate seminar are available in Appendix 2 of the Guidelines for examination in doctoral studies.

      Nailing and publication in DiVA

      By no later than three weeks prior to the licentiate seminar, the thesis must be made available to the public. The purpose of this is so that members of the public shall have the opportunity to read the thesis in advance in order to be able to ask questions at the licentiate seminar.

      The time and location of the seminar, the PhD student's name, the title and a summary of the thesis, and the name of the external reviewer (opponent) will be made available on the University's website (electronic nailing).

      The printed thesis shall be made available at the University by no later than three weeks before the licentiate seminar. The PhD student is responsible for distributing the thesis according to the specified distribution list to interested parties within and outside the University.

      By no later than three weeks before the licentiate seminar, the thesis shall also be published electronically in the University's database of publications, DiVA (Digitala Vetenskapliga Arkivet).

      For more detailed information, please refer to Printing and distribution of theses and for publishing in DiVA.

      Nailing ceremony in the University library

      Nailing can take place at the universities concerned, for example at both institutions and libraries. When nailing at the library at the University of Skövde, a representative of Team Research Support assists with receiving the doctoral student and company and provides a hammer, nail and string to hang the dissertation.

      The doctoral student brings a nailing copy with holes drilled for the string in the upper left corner. Normally, just over ten people can be accommodated in direct connection to the nailing itself, but all interested parties and, of course, supervisors, close colleagues and relatives are welcome.

      A nailing usually takes place within 15-30 minutes and is usually in the nature of a light-hearted event. The library can assist with photography. The Marketing and Communications Office assists the library with advertising in the calendar on the Staff Portal before nailing.

      To register a nailing ceremony, please contact

      Licentiate seminar – examination of thesis work

      The written thesis must be defended at a public seminar. The seminar is led by a chairperson ('moderator') who is active at the School within which the thesis was written. The external reviewer (opponent) discusses the thesis with the respondent (PhD student), while the examiner is the one who examines.

      A description of how a licentiate seminar at the University of Skövde is to be conducted is available in Appendix 3 of the Guidelines for examination in doctoral studies.

      Follow the links to find out more information about the competence requirements, roles and division of responsibility for the licentiate seminar’s externmal reviewer (opponent), examiner and chair.

      Applying for degree certificate

      Following the successful completion of the third-cycle studies/PhD education, the PhD student must apply to have the degree awarded. This is done either directly in Ladok for students .

      Published: 5/10/2021
      Edited: 3/27/2023