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      Course packages for exchange students in Bioscience

      The University of Skövde offers different course combination packages in Bioscience and Systems biology. Below, we present packages for the autumn and spring semesters available for exchange students.

      The School of Bioscience offer about 60 different courses in the subjects Chemistry, Bioscience, Bioinformatics, Cognitive Neuroscience and Systems Biology for you as an exchange student.

      Find courses available for exchange students.

      You may apply to any of these courses as well as other courses offered by the University, for instance language courses in Swedish and English. However, in order to facilitate your planning we are offering some course combination packages both at Bachelor and Master's level.

      Admission requirements

      Please check the admission requirements for the individual courses at the website. 

      Course packages: Bachelor level

      Course code, Course name, Study period

      BV113G, Microbiology G1N (7.5 credits), 1
      BM136G, Genetics G1N (7.5 credits), 1
      BI119G, Introduction to bioinformatics G1N (7.5 credits), 2
      BV314G, Evolution G1F (7.5 credits), 2

      Study period 1: January-March
      Study period 2: March-June

      For more information about the content of a course, see the course syllabus.
      Courses may be subject to change.

      Course code, Course name, Study period

      BV318G, Molecular biodesign I G1F (7.5 credits), 1
      BV511G, Molecular diagnostics and biomarkers G2F (7.5 credits), 1
      BI119G, Introduction to bioinformatics G1N (7.5 credits), 2
      BV507G, Literature review in bioscience G2F (7.5 credits), 2

      Study period 1: January-March
      Study period 2: March-June

      For more information about the content of a course, see the course syllabus.
      Courses may be subject to change.

      Course code, Course name, Study period

      BV317G, Molecular genetics G1F (7.5 credits), 4
      BV311G, Method and design in life science G1F (7.5 credits), 4
      BV119G, Sustainable development G1N (7.5 credits), 5
      KE314G, Biochemistry G1F (7.5 credits), 5

      Study period 4: September-October
      Study period 5: November-January

      For more information about the content of a course, see the course syllabus.
      Courses may be subject to change.

      Course packages: Master level

      Course code, Course name, Study period

      BI760A, Bioinformatics concepts and methods (7.5 credits), 4
      BV700A, Experimental methods and design in bioscience (10 credits), part of 4 & 5
      SY768A, Data analysis for life science (5 credits), 4

      BV715A, Molecular ecology in conservation (7.5 credits), 5*
      BV703A, Molecular biotechnology (7.5 credits), 5*
      BV705A, Biomarkers in molecular medicine (7.5 credits), 5*
      BV710A, Molecular and cellular infection biology (7.5 credits), 5*

      *Selectable course (only possible to include one selectable course in package)

      Study period 4: September-October
      Study period 5: November-January

      For more information about the content of a course, see the course syllabus.
      Courses may be subject to change.

      Course code, Course name, Study period

      SY760A, Multivariate biological analysis with R (7.5 credits), 1
      SY765A, Systems Biology (7.5 credits), 1
      BI731A, Bioinformatics analysis with R (7.5 credits), 2
      BV711A, Molecular biotechnology – project (7.5 credits), 2*
      SY764A, Infection biology– modelling (7.5 credits), 2*
      SY758A, Biomarkers – data analysis (7.5 credits), 2*

      *Selectable course (only possible to include one selectable course in package)

      Study period 1: January-March
      Study period 2: March-June

      For more information about the content of a course, see the course syllabus.
      Courses may be subject to change.


      Senior Lecturer in Biomedicine

      Published: 3/24/2021
      Edited: 12/12/2023