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      University of Skövde, link to startpage

      Student Ambassador Dennis Mbuthia

      Dennis comes from Kenya, is studying Game development and finds study life in Skövde truly amazing.

      Dennis' thoughts about Skövde

      Where do you come from originally?
      – The heart of Africa at the place of cool waters also known as Nairobi, Kenya.

      How is it to study in Skövde?
      – It is truly amazing. I have great and knowledgable lecturers who are will to assist in the growth of my studies. I have a cross cultural education with fellow students from other countries, different education backgrounds and professions.

      Why did you choose to study this program?
      – My mentor mentioned that Sweden is a hub for game development and the University showed that it had a strong connection with the game development community. Very many alumni are working within the game industry. Another reason is that the school work has a great balance between practical and theory. It results into growth in both areas.

      What is the biggest advantage of studying at a small school like the University of Skövde?
      – You get to meet everyone. You cannot escape! We have personalised opportunities to converse more with our lecturers and have good study support throughout the educational experience. It is less distractions and the facilities are readily available for our use.

      What do you want to do for work in five years?
      – Game Producer at own game studio in Sweden and a consultant in developing Game Development curriculums.

      What tips would you offer a new student?
      – The opportunities to learn are all around you. You just need to be curious and approach your lecturers and you will get that opportunity. Socialise with people then you can gain new friends and have intercultural exposure on how other people view the world.

      What is the best thing about the University of Skövde?
      – The amazing support to help you excel in your studies. At first the school seems small but when you start your classes you are meet with lecturers who are knowledgeable, love what they do and are passionate to train you as a colleague in the field. The atmosphere is just right you are meeting with other students who also love the subject and they are curious as you are.

      What is the best thing about Skövde?
      – It’s a small big town where everything is in walking distance and you can shuttle between the two major towns Gothenburg and Stockholm. The love for games is evident looking at all the games studios that are here.

      What did you know about Sweden before you moved here?
      – That it is cold and Swedes do not like small talk. So, dress warmly and when you ask a Swede “How are you?”, be armed with a hearty laughter, a tissue or a hug. Ok… ok… a listening ear and your own story is best.

      What was the biggest surprise to you about being a student here?
      – There are no written examinations for my course work and things are done in groups. Wow! That still surprises me. However, you are critically examined on your ability to show understanding of the subject matter.

      How do you like the student accommodations?
      – They are great. You have enough space for what you need. I stay about 5 mins away from campus so even when it snows it a short distance to walk.

      What do you do in your free time?
      – Meet with friends, hike, travel, cook and enjoy food, play games both video games and board games and watch movies.

      What is your favorite course you have taken at the University of Skövde?
      – This is a tough one, I have two favourites. Educational games – Advanced Topics was eye opening for me. I got into games because of the potential of using games to make learning interesting and fun.

      Describe your programme in three words.
      – Practical, Immersive and Fun.

      Ask Dennis

      Feel free to contact Dennis with questions or thoughts!

      Send an email to

      Published: 11/15/2023
      Edited: 11/15/2023