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      Agile Project Management for Industry

      Agile Project Management for Industry

      The Agile Project Management for Industry course is aimed at anyone wishing to extend their expertise in and understanding of agile methods and who are currently working as managers or project managers. Agile project management has been very much on the rise for a few years now. Today’s fast-paced world requires greater flexibility that traditional working methods are not always able to handle.

      Traditional project management has limitations when it comes to dealing with uncertainty and unplanned changes that occur in the organisation throughout the lifetime of the project. This can lead to expensive projects that deliver what the organisation needed when the project began, not what is needed today.

      “As the manager of a maintenance enterprise, studying the Agile Project Management for Industry course gave me an understanding of how I can benefit from agile mindsets and methods in my role of managing my business and employees.”
      - Daniel Enedahl, operational maintenance supervisor, Powertrain Engineering Sweden AB.

      What do agile methods involve?

      An agile approach means having a strong focus on the customer’s needs, frequent reviews and plenty of scope to change and adapt the plan to new factors. It can also be a way of breaking down barriers between different parts of the organisation or providing a more flexible alternative for driving innovation and transformation.

      Agile methods that are to be used to implement large industrial projects need to be scalable and fit - or be adaptable to - the current organisation. Agile methods can be scaled up to handle large transformation projects that span the entire organisation, but getting to that point requires a great deal of expertise and commitment.

      After completing the course, you will be able to:

      This course will give you the skills to compare and evaluate different agile methods and to identify opportunities and risks of agile projects in a practical enterprise. You will also have a good understanding of the differences between traditional and agile methods. This course is designed to enable you to work with issues that exist at your place of work today. This work is based on leadership perspectives where you will discuss, present and describe your proposed solutions in a context based on a scientific foundation that can be implemented at your place of work.

      Who is this course for?

      This course is for managers or project managers who want to understand which method is right for a project and what it takes to implement agile projects in the organisation.

      Contact if you are interested in taking this course. 

      Course format

      The courses in their educational form and scope are intended to be combined with work. This means that all courses are:

      • Online
      • Short courses (3 ECTS)
      • Has a study rate of 20% (equivalent to approximately 8 hours a week for 10 weeks)
      • Conducted through self-study as well as occasional scheduled occasions where you get the opportunity to meet other course participants and the course's teachers (these meetings are conducted remotely via Zoom).
      Published: 5/10/2023
      Edited: 5/10/2023