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      Applied AI for Industry

      Applied AI for Industry

      Very few people in industry today fully understand AI, but companies need to develop their expertise and knowledge of artificial intelligence if they are to fully realise the increasingly high-tech workshops of Industry 4.0. The Applied AI for Industry course is suitable for anyone who would like a short introduction to the field and wants to get started using AI methods.

      Predictive maintenance – one of many examples

      Predictive maintenance is a typical area of industry where AI is useful, and where the benefits are easy to understand. This uses information from various sensors that measure the characteristics of the equipment and product. This information is then evaluated in order to detect maintenance needs in a timely fashion, often using classification algorithms. This helps companies to save time and money while also working more sustainably.

      What are the risks?

      The Applied AI for Industry course provides an initial introduction to artificial intelligence. You will learn about the advantages, disadvantages and potential risks of applying AI. During the course you will get to know a few AI methods, both theoretically and with practical examples. The course assignments include practical exercises where these methods are applied.

      After completing the course, you will be able to:

      • describe and reflect on what artificial intelligence (AI) involves and what opportunities and risks are involved in the application of AI in different areas of industry.
      • describe and reflect on the different concepts and methods used in AI and relevant applications,
      • apply different AI methods in practice and present and discuss the results achieved

      Who is the course for?

      This course is aimed at industry professionals who are curious about what AI is and how it can be applied.

      Contact if you are interested in taking this course.

      Course format

      The courses in their educational form and scope are intended to be combined with work. This means that all courses are:

      • Online
      • Short courses (3 ECTS)
      • Has a study rate of 20% (equivalent to approximately 8 hours a week for 10 weeks)
      • Conducted through self-study as well as occasional scheduled occasions where you get the opportunity to meet other course participants and the course's teachers (these meetings are conducted remotely via Zoom).

      The KK Foundation

      The course is developed within the WISER project. We offer tailor-made courses for digital transformation and are aimed at professionals. The project is co-financed by the KK foundation within the framework of Expert competence. For more information visit:

      Published: 5/10/2023
      Edited: 5/10/2023