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      Introduction to Self-Service Business Intelligence

      Introduction to Self-Service Business Intelligence

      Have you ever bought a rail ticket over the counter? Doing that seems like a long time ago, now that self-service makes it easy to use an app to select and buy your ticket. But the reality is often different within organisations, and staff need to consult their IT department for the data and analyses they need.

      In this course, we will look more closely at Self-Service Business Intelligence (SSBI), the corporate form of self-service, a tool that gives users access to the data they need, when they need it.

      SSBI in brief

      Specifically, self-service business intelligence (SSBI) allows staff to access and explore data even if they do not have an IT background. SSBI allows you to filter, sort, analyse and visualise data without involving the BI and IT department. It shortens lead times and frees up resources in the IT department, and the fact that the data is also produced by the people who are dealing with challenges and needs adds value all the way along the line to customers.

      Business intelligence and practical elements build your skills

      In many cases, organisations may find it challenging to get started with SSBI, so in the course we will focus on raising awareness of these challenges in order to facilitate the introduction and use of SSBI. This will be done by studying the challenges, success factors and guidelines identified in SSBI research. These elements will build the skills needed to understand how SSBI can be implemented at your place of work.

      After completing the course, you will be able to:

      • Describe the characteristics of self-service business intelligence.
      • In an in-depth way, describe, problematise and discuss the challenges affecting the introduction and use of self-service business intelligence, and
      • describe and discuss how challenges should be addressed in order to succeed with a self-service business intelligence initiative.

      Who is the course for?

      This is a broad course aimed at professionals who work in any kind of decision-making role and want to gain more of an understanding of how SSBI can facilitate your day-to-day life.

      Contact if you are interested in taking this course. 

      Course format

      The courses in their educational form and scope are intended to be combined with work. This means that all courses are:

      • Online
      • Short courses (3 ECTS)
      • Has a study rate of 20% (equivalent to approximately 8 hours a week for 10 weeks)
      • Conducted through self-study as well as occasional scheduled occasions where you get the opportunity to meet other course participants and the course's teachers (these meetings are conducted remotely via Zoom).

      The KK Foundation

      The course is developed within the WISER project. We offer tailor-made courses for digital transformation and are aimed at professionals. The project is co-financed by the KK foundation within the framework of Expert competence. For more information visit:

      Published: 5/10/2023
      Edited: 5/10/2023