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      University of Skövde, link to startpage

      Material Processing Technology G2F

      Course, Bachelor's (1st cycle), 6 credits, MT508G


      Choose a course instance to see course syllabus and admission requirements.

      Autumn 2024, Location: Skövde, Pace of study: 50%


      Application is done after nomination.

      Course syllabus, with reading list

      When? Where? How?

      Study period: 25 November 2024 - 19 January 2025
      Location: Skövde, Campus, Daytime
      Pace of study: 50%

      Admission Requirements

      The course has the following entry requirements: passed PR312G Manufacturing Engineering and Materials Science G1F and passed FY128G Thermodynamics G1N and attended MT351G Mechanics IV G1F and attended MT507G Machine Elements G2F (or the equivalent).


      Guaranteed admission.


      The courses are conducted in English.

      Autumn 2024, Location: Skövde, Pace of study: 50%


      Application is done after nomination.

      Course syllabus, with reading list

      When? Where? How?

      Study period: 25 November 2024 - 19 January 2025
      Location: Skövde, Campus, Daytime
      Pace of study: 50%

      Admission Requirements

      The course has the following entry requirements: passed PR312G Manufacturing Engineering and Materials Science G1F and passed FY128G Thermodynamics G1N and attended MT351G Mechanics IV G1F and attended MT507G Machine Elements G2F (or the equivalent).


      Guaranteed admission.


      The courses are conducted in English.

      Traditional machining is very common in the manufacturing industry. This course provide you with a broad knowledge of this field. The course deals with the basic mechanics and physics that govern different machining processes. For example, this knowledge is needed to understand why some inserts wear out much faster than others or why some machining processes work well in some machines but not in others. Based on a machining process where quality and cost can be controlling you will learn how to determine cutting data and make tool choices. This prepares you for working with real cases from industry.



      Course co-ordinator

      Published: 2/6/2021
      Edited: 2/6/2021