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      University of Skövde, link to startpage

      Games User Experience - Research and Development A1N

      Course, Master's (2nd cycle), 7.5 credits, IT773A


      Choose a course instance to see course syllabus and admission requirements.

      Autumn 2024, Location: Skövde, Pace of study: 25%


      Application is done after nomination.

      Course syllabus, with reading list

      When? Where? How?

      Study period: 2 September 2024 - 19 January 2025
      Location: Skövde, Campus, Daytime
      Pace of study: 25%

      Admission Requirements

      To attend this course, a Bachelor’s degree (or other equivalent to a Swedish kandidatexamen) within the field of informatics, or media, aesthetics, and narration (or equivalent) encompassing A further requirement is proof of skills in English, equivalent of studies at upper secondary level in Sweden, known as English course B. This is normally demonstrated by means of an internationally recognized test, e.g., IELTS, TOEFL, or an equivalent.


      Guaranteed admission.


      The courses are conducted in English.

      Games User Experience is a topic that is rapidly gaining increasing interest in the games industry. As game developers have become increasingly comfortable with the tools with which they develop games, they are starting to focus on forming a better understanding of the players which will be playing them. As audiences are becoming increasingly diverse, and the technologies through which people play games move in new directions, understanding how people play games and what separates a good experience from a bad one will be a crucial component of successful game development. In this course, you get to dive into both past and present literature on how play experiences should, or perhaps shouldn’t be, evaluated, and practice your ability to effectively communicate research and play-test results to game development teams.



      Course co-ordinator

      Published: 11/4/2020
      Edited: 11/4/2020