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      University of Skövde, link to startpage

      WP5: Assisted Driving

      Both uncertainty management methods (UMM), visualization and data fusion techniques have been studied separately in past research on advanced driving assistance systems (ADAS). However, research on how drivers use and interact with uncertainty related information in the perspective of assisted and autonomous driving (AD) and information fusion (IF) is very scarce.

      The WP will deliver guidelines for constructing effective combinations of presentations, aspects and components of uncertainty. These will be based on evaluated designs and empirical results of how to present the uncertainty of the vehicle and the combined uncertainty of the vehicle and the driver, respectively, to the driver. On the basis of the results from theoretical analyses, a journal article on IF aspects of AD will be published. The design, implementation and evaluation of prototypes will result in a journal publication on how uncertainty management can support human automation co-operation and improve driving performance and experience, with focus on algorithmic and user aspects of uncertainty management.


      Assoc. Prof. Göran Falkman (WP leader), 
      Prof. Sten F. Andler, Dr. Alexander Karlsson,
      Dr. Maria Riveiro, Dr. Joeri van Laere
      Staffan Davidsson (Volvo Car Corporation)

      WP5: Work package presentation (opens as PPT)

      Research Question

      The research questions in WP 5 are:

      • How can uncertainty management improve driving performance and experience?
      • How can the driver be aware of the uncertainty in the vehicle?
      • How can the system be aware of the driver’s uncertainty?
      • How do different presentations of uncertainty affect attitudes of the driver?
      • How can the system’s awareness of the uncertainty in the driver and the driver’s awareness of the uncertainty in the vehicle support human automation co-operation and improve the overall accessibility of the vehicle?

      Relevance to UMIF

      WP 5 contributes to the intersection of UMIF research areas by addressing research issues related to both Visualization & User Interaction and Uncertainty

      Management Methods.

      The WP is foremost connected to WP 2, due to the package’s general focus on presentation of and interaction with uncertainties, but also to WP 1, due to the package’s aim of providing a representation of the uncertainty of vehicles, and to WP 6, due to the assumed similarities between the two domains.
      The WP will provide deliverables to WP 8 in terms of implemented designs of uncertainty presentations.

      Collaboration with Industry

      The WP presumes close co-operation with Volvo Car Corporation (VCC), both in terms of the use of real data, access to domain experts, evaluation of proposed solutions on real users/platforms and co-authoring of scientific articles.

      Collaboration with Academia

      The collaboration with the other work packages is described above. There is currently no collaboration with other academic partners.


      The overall research method is literature studies and theoretical analysis combined with a domain-centred design methodology: Iteratively analyse needs and requirements, design solutions, implement solutions in prototypes, and evaluate prototypes using real data, platforms (TJA car) and/or drivers.
      Analyses will be carried out of (1) which visual presentations of uncertainty have been used for different aspects of uncertainty and different components of uncertainty management within AD, from an IF perspective (joint task with WP 2); (2) which UMMs can be used to represent and compute the uncertainty of vehicles, from an IF perspective (joint task with WP 1);  (3) how drivers use and interact with uncertainty related information in the perspective of IF and automation, and what indicators and methods that can be used to measure aspects of uncertainty in drivers.
      Prototypes for presenting the vehicle’s uncertainty to the driver and for presenting the combined uncertainty of the vehicle and the driver, respectively, will be designed, implemented and evaluated.

      WP Results & Status

      WP 5 has been delayed and does therefore only have preliminary results from the first analysis (literature study). The reasons for the delay are that researchers have not been allocated to the project as planned (due to parental leave and other internal commissions) and that the project has been put on hold at VCC.
      The original WP time plan has been adjusted accordingly, and the project will be extended by 6 months (until March 2014). A journal publication is planned for late 2013 and a second for early 2014.

      Related Work

      WP 5 directly contributes to research within ADAS, which in turn are fundamental components of intelligent transportation systems (ITS). Although related to research within self-driving vehicles, the focus of the WP is on assisted driving, not autonomous driving.

      Published: 5/26/2020
      Edited: 5/26/2020