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      Hackathon with Volvo

      Date 29 November 09:00 - 30 November 17:00
      Location Assar Industrial Innovation Arena (2nd floor of the Balthazar Science Center building), Kavelbrovägen 2B

      It is time for a new hackathon event, where students and Volvo Group IT work together! As a participant, you will get the opportunity to work with other students and solve factory-related problems, get to know Volvo and meet some of their amazing eco-workers. Your future at Volvo could start here!

      Student participants will be working in small groups, using code and design to create their vision of the future of assembly production. The hope is that each group will have a tangible solution to present at the end of day two.

      There are multiple ways to succeed at this event. You can use your coding abilities to program something awesome or tap into your design skills to create interactive mockups to show your vision. A jury consisting of Volvo employees and faculty members from the University of Skövde will provide feedback and present the winning team based on several technical and visionary criteria at the end of the event.

      Each team will have help from a Volvo mentor. You will also have the possibility to take help from different co-workers from Volvo. This gives each team the best prerequisites to create something extraordinary during these two days.

      This year's hackathon will take place 29 and 30 November at ASSAR. Lunch is included both days.

      Sign up!

      You can sign up alone or with a maximum of three other students. Send an email to with your name, student id, study program, and any dietary constraints.

      If you want to participate as a team, remember to include information for all team members. And if you already have a great team name, include that as well!

      The number of participants is limited. Be sure to sign up in time. 


      Lecturer in Informatics

      Published: 11/1/2022
      Edited: 11/1/2022