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      Skaraborg Health Technology Center

      Skaraborg Health Technology Center

      Skaraborg Health Technology Center (SHC) at University of Skövde is a collaboration arena and test bed for cross-team collaboration between the business and public sector, the academy, organizations, civil society and other actors focusing on innovation, research and education.

      The SHC collaboration arena consists of a space for innovation and an accessibility adapted apartment with kitchen, bathroom, living room and bedroom. The arena houses technical infrastructure supporting various activities such as development and testing of products, services and methods focusing on smart/intelligent, safe and secure solutions to preserve integrity and promote autonomy, safety, health and well-being within the target group of mainly older persons.

      Another focal area is a high quality, evidence-based and cost-effective health and social care.

      The SHC houses and functions as the BaltSe@nioR 2.0 project's demo arena.

      Winner of the digitalization initiative of the year 2019

      Jonas Mellin and Catharina Gillsjö at SHC, the winner of the Digitalization Initiative of the Year 2019. Image courtesy of Region Västra Götaland.

      The Digitalization Initiative of the Year is a prize awarded by the Region Västra Götaland and aims to highlight accomplished digital innovations that contribute to:

      • Create a simplied everyday life for citizens and the business sector in the Region Västra Götaland.
      • Create advantageous conditions for collaboration and increase quality and efficiency in the public sector.

      Jury motivation:

      "A slim organization where multiple techniques related to health and welfare are tested before implementation. This is a collaboration that all the Municipalities in Skaraborg can make use of and that lessens the need for each Municipality to do their own testing. A factor of success is the close collaboration with University of Skövde which contributes to a good way of integrating research and practice."


      Skaraborg Health Technology Center was initially financed by Skaraborg's Innovative Environments financed by the European Regional Development Fund, University of Skövde, Skaraborg Municipal Association and Region Västra Götaland. SHC is now financed by the BaltSe@nioR 2.0 project through the Interreg Baltic Sea Region (European Regional Development Fund).


      Associate Professor of Nursing

      Published: 6/16/2021
      Edited: 6/16/2021