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      University of Skövde, link to startpage

      Why collaborate with the University?

      Why collaborate with the University?

      The University of Skövde offers a number of opportunities where you, as a member of the business community, or a public sector or other organisation, can use our researchers or students to solve problems and foster sustainable development. Together we can forge closer bonds and benefit from each others’ strengths.

      The purpose of collaboration is to create shared added value for participating partners, society and the University. This can bring competitive advantages and advance sustainable development in our respective operations and in society as a whole. For the University, collaboration improves quality and anchors our research and education in the real world, while, as a collaborative partner, you get to benefit from research-based knowledge.


      To develop society and industry, we must stimulate sustainable innovation and develop ideas. The University’s innovation advisors support our researchers in finding development opportunities in their own research, translating ideas into reality and harnessing the assets created. Dialogue with the partners involved in our research projects ensures that research results are utilised and put to good use in your business or organisation.

      Research and development

      There are several ways to collaborate on research and development. You could work with us via our collaborative platforms and in research projects, or through commissioned research, skills developmentcommissioned education, adjunct researchers and industrial PhD students.

      Knowledge review, developing and disseminating knowledge

      A knowledge review provides an insight into what the latest research says in your field. Combining industry expertise with the latest research opens up excellent opportunities for you to take the next step in your development.

      We can also help you in developing your knowledge in-house. Sometimes a new pair of eyes on your business can bring benefits, especially a pair of eyes capable of applying academic focus and bringing in subject expertise and systematic methodology.

      We are educators by profession and can tailor both shorter and longer training sessions. Or how about an exciting talk at a Kick-off? We can also jointly arrange conferences interweaving practical examples with the latest research findings. We are practised moderators and panellists in debating contexts. Let’s put our clever heads together and create valuable content together.

      Collaboration within our education programmes

      We want to give our students the best possible opportunity to absorb their education and prepare them for their future life in the world of work. Tying their education in with the labour market, where students can link theory to practical applications, makes our courses professionally relevant. This can be done by means of guest lectures or through degree projects carried out in a work placement. As a company or organisation, you can benefit from the knowledge of university-educated students to solve an existing problem and gain an opportunity to show that you are an attractive employer for today’s students. Read more about collaboration within our education programmes.

      Contact us

      Contact us so that together we can find out how we can benefit each other and how our researchers and students can help your organisation continue to develop and grow.


      Tehessen Aslam, University

      Deputy Vice-Chancellor – Collaboration with trade and industry

      Tehseen Aslam
      Phone: 0500-448578

      Pro Vice-Chancellor – Collaboration with the public sector

      Lena Mårtensson
      Phone: 0500-448450

      Published: 12/7/2023
      Edited: 12/7/2023