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      Katarina Ejeskär

      Professor of Biomedicine
      School of Health Sciences
      Room G1417

      Have a MSci in molecular biology from University of Gothenburg, and since 2000 a PhD in clinical genetics from the Sahlgrenska Academy, Gothenburg. The thesis focused on the genetics of neuroblastoma. Had a research group at Sahlgrenska Academy until 2015, and am an Associate Professor (Docent) in experimental clinical genetics at this academy.

      Since 2015 Professor in Biomedicin at University of Skövde, and research group leader for the research group Translational Medicine TRIM. I am responsible for the fruit fly facility at the university, that is used both in research and in the education. Teaches mainly in the Biomedicine program in genetics, tumor biology and thesis work courses. Am main supervisor for two PhD-students.


      My main research focus is childhood cancer research; neural tumors, mainly 11q-deleted neuroblastoma. The project focus on the genetic changes in the tumor, and how they affect the tumor growth and survival. We use cell culture, the fruit fly and some primary tumor material to test hypotheses, that we get from analysis of genetic data from publically available databases.

      I am also engaged in a number of collaboration projects:

      • One with PhD Ferenc Szekeres that focus on digitoxin treatment of pancreatic cancer. 
      • One with Professor Homa Tajsharghi that focus on rare genetic disorders.
      • One with Doc. Åsa Torinsson Naluai that focus on gluten intolerance, diabetes and probiotics.
      • One with Doc. Victoria Rotter Sopasakis that focus on alternative splicing and PI3K-signaling.
      • One with Doc. Frida Abel that focus on fusion genes in braintumors.


      Reza Maroofian, Homa Tajsharghi, Katarina Ejeskär, Mariasavina Severino


      Lily Deland, Simon Keane, Thomas O. Bontell, Henrik Fagman, Helene Sjögren, Anders E. Lind, Helena Carén, Magnus Tisell, Jonas A. Nilsson, Katarina Ejeskär, Magnus Sabel, Frida Abel

      Cancer Genomics & Proteomics

      2022. Article. Open Access

      Simon Keane, Matthew Herring, Peter Rolny, Yvonne Wettergren, Katarina Ejeskär

      Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology

      2022. Article. Open Access

      Alistair T. Pagnamenta, Francisca Diaz-Gonzalez, Benito Banos-Pinero, Matteo P. Ferla, Mehran B. Toosi, Alistair D. Calder, Ehsan G. Karimiani, Mohammad Doosti, Andrew Wainwright, Paul Wordsworth, Kathryn Bailey, Katarina Ejeskär, Tracy Lester, Reza Maroofian, Karen E. Heath et al.

      Journal of Medical Genetics

      2022. Article. Open Access


      Lily Deland, Simon Keane, Thomas Olsson Bontell, Helene Sjögren, Henrik Fagman, Ingrid Øra, Esther De La Cuesta, Magnus Tisell, Jonas A. Nilsson, Katarina Ejeskär, Magnus Sabel, Frida Abel

      Cancer Biology & Therapy

      2021. Article. Open Access

      Simon Keane, Tommy Martinsson, Per Kogner, Katarina Ejeskär

      Cancer Cell International

      2021. Article. Open Access

      Finished projects

      Obesity and androgen excess in women – adiponectin as a new treatment option

      We focus on the molecular link between androgen excess and the development of reproductive disorders, obesity, and type-2 diabetes in females. Our overall aim is to investigate new treatments and identify the underlying mechanisms that improves or protect against the development of diabetes and decreased fertility. My line of research has evolved from more than 10 years of experience in whole-animal physiology studies involving endocrinology, metabolism and re-production.

      January 2019 - December 2021 DHEAR

      NOX, ROS and metabolism in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma

      The scientific work that will be performed in this project is to explore new pathways of cancer treatment with particular focus on pancreatic cancer. These new ways of treatment are based on changing the functions of different signaling and metabolic pathways such as NADPH oxidase (NOX), reactive oxygen species (ROS) and metabolism which are known to be up-regulated or malfunctioning in cancer cells. By using different chemicals such as NOX inhibitors, digitoxin and ketone bodies inhibit their activity and thereby decrease the cell viability of the cancer cells. Focusing treatment on the differences between normal / cancer cells would help develop methods that inhibit cancer cells with less negative effects on normal cells.

      September 2016 - September 2021 DHEAR

      Genes as targets for cancer treatment

      We investigate genes that cause cancer aggressiveness. We specifically focus on the childhood cancer tumor neuroblastoma, which occurs in the nervous system of young children. Some tumors are more aggressive than others, and the difference is what has happened to the genes in the tumor. If the tumor has lost some of the genes on chromosome 11, the child has a poor prognosis. We test the properties of genes that have been lost, to see if those specific lost properties are something that will benefit the tumor cell. We want to replace those properties through different types of treatments, and in this way kill the tumor cell. We analyze clinical/genetic data and make experiments in cultured cells and in fruit flies.

      January 2015 - July 2021 DHEAR – for a healthier and more sustainable soci
      Published: 1/9/2020
      Edited: 1/9/2020