Dan Högberg
School of Engineering Science
The aim of the Virtual Driver Ergonomics project (KK-stiftelsen/INFINIT Dnr 20160296) was to carry out research related to the development of the Swedish digital human modelling (DHM) tool IPS IMMA so that it is able to assist product developers in the vehicle industry to perform fast and objective virtual driver-vehicle interaction analyses of physical ergonomics.
The aim is a tool with high usability that supports and automates the simulation work. More specifically the project will focus on how to enable fast and objective simulations of virtual driving test routines and subsequent ergonomics evaluations and comparisons of design alternatives.
Brolin, E., Högberg, D., Hanson, L., Örtengren, R. (2019). Development and Evaluation of an Anthropometric Module for Digital Human Modelling Systems. International Journal of Human Factors Modelling and Simulation, Vol. 7(1), pp. 47-70.
Högberg, D., Ruiz Castro, P., Mårdberg, P., Delfs, N., Nurbo, P., Fragoso, P., Andersson, L., Brolin, E., Hanson, L. (2018). DHM based test procedure concept for proactive ergonomics assessments in the vehicle interior design process. Proceedings of the 20th Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA 2018), Volume V: Human Simulation and Virtual Environments, Bagnara, S., Tartaglia, R., Albolino. S., Alexander, T., Fujita, Y. (Eds.), pp. 314-323, ISBN 978-3-319-96076-0 (print), 978-3-319-96077-7 (online), DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-96077-7.
Högberg, D., Brolin, E. and Hanson, L. (2018). Concept of Formalized Test Procedure for Proactive Assessment of Ergonomic Value by Digital Human Modelling Tools in Lean Product Development. Advances in Human Factors in Simulation and Modeling. Cassenti, D.N. (Ed.). AHFE Conference, pp. 425-436, ISBN 978-3-319-60590-6.
Brolin, E., Högberg, D., Hanson, L. and Björkenstam, S. (2017). Virtual test persons based on diverse anthropometric data for ergonomics simulations and analysis. Proceedings of the NES 2017 Conference "Joy at Work", August 2017, Lund University, ISBN 978-91-7753-152-4.
Brolin, E., Högberg, D., Hanson, L. and Örtengren, R. (2017). Adaptive regression model for synthesizing anthropometric population data. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, Vol. 59, pp. 46-53.