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      University of Skövde, link to startpage

      Virtual Driver

      Research Group User Centred Product Design
      Resarch Environment Virtual Engineering

      Quick Facts

      Full project name

      Virtual Driver


      January 2015 – January 2016

      Funding and collaboration

      The Knowledge Foundation, Fraunhofer-Chalmers Centre (FCC), Scania, University of Skövde, Volvo, Volvo Cars

      The aim of the Virtual Driver project (KK-stiftelsen/INFINIT Dnr 20140296) was to carry out research related to the development of the Swedish digital human modelling (DHM) tool IMMA (Intelligently Moving Manikins) to further develop the tool so that it can be utilised in the vehicle industry to perform efficient and valid virtual driver-vehicle interaction analyses.

      The IMMA tool has the capability to predict postures and motions by the use of mathematical and numerical solutions rather than captured postures or motions. The aim is a tool with high usability that supports and automates the simulation work to a high degree, suitable both for experts and non-experts to perform verifications of driver-vehicle interaction.


      Brolin, E., Högberg, D., Hanson, L. and Örtengren, R. (2016). Generation and Evaluation of Distributed Cases by Clustering of Diverse Anthropometric Data. International Journal of Human Factors Modelling and Simulation, Vol 5, No. 3, pp.210-229.

      Brolin, E., Högberg, D., Hanson, L. and Örtengren, R. (2016). Development and Evaluation of an Anthropometric Module for Digital Human Modelling Systems. Submitted to International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, Under review.

      Brolin, E., Högberg, D., Hanson, L. and Örtengren, R. (2016). Adaptive regression model for prediction of anthropometric data. Accepted for publication in International Journal of Human Factors Modelling and Simulation.

      Brolin, E., Högberg, D., Hanson, L. and Örtengren, R. (2016). Adaptive regression model for synthesizing anthropometric population data. Submitted to International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, Under review.

      Högberg, D., Hanson, L., Bohlin, R. and Carlson, J.S. (2016). Creating and shaping the DHM tool IMMA for ergonomic product and production design. International Journal of Digital Human, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp.132-152.

      Högberg, D., Brolin, E. and Hanson, L. (2015). Accommodation levels for ellipsoid versus cuboid defined boundary cases. Procedia Manufacturing, Volume 3, 2015, pp. 3702-3708.

      Bergman, C., Castro, P.M., Högberg, D. and Hanson, L. (2015). Implementation of Suitable Comfort Model for Posture and Motion Prediction in DHM Supported Vehicle Design. Procedia Manufacturing, Volume 3, 2015, Pages 3753-3758.

      Högberg, D., Brolin, E. and Hanson, L. (2015). Identification of redundant boundary cases. Proceedings of the 19th Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association. Lindgaard, G. and Moore, D. (Eds.), Melbourne, Australia, 9-14 August, 2015.

      Bachelor theses

      Pamela Ruiz Castro (2015). Seating comfort analysis for virtual driver research. Product Design Engineering. School of Engineering Science, University of Skövde.

      Beñat Garay García (2015). High-level language design for IMMA-Virtual Driver DHM Research. Product Design Engineering. School of Engineering Science, University of Skövde.

      Project Leader

      Professor of Product Design Engineering

      Participating Researchers

      Johan S Carlson
      Phd, FCC
      Robert Bohlin
      Phd, FCC
      Peter Mårdberg
      FCC/University of Skövde
      Niclas Delfs
      Pamela Ruiz Castro
      University of Skövde
      Beñat Garay García
      University of Skövde
      Published: 4/9/2020
      Edited: 4/9/2020