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      University of Skövde, link to startpage

      Energy Storage & Power Electronics

      Research Group Virtual Manufacturing Processes
      Resarch Environment Virtual Engineering

      Energy Storage & Power Electronics

      Research Group Virtual Manufacturing Processes
      Resarch Environment Virtual Engineering

      Quick Facts

      Full project name

      Energy Storage & Power Electronics


      June 2021 – October 2023

      Funding and collaboration

      European Regional Development Fund, Aurobay, IDC West Sweden, Science Park Skövde, Volvo Group Trucks Operations

      The automotive industry is in the middle of a technology shift towards electric powertrains. The change in technology requires building up the knowledge base of the entire value chain within the industry. In the long term, the goal is to establish long-term production of electric drivelines in the region with many years of secured employment in the automotive industry and its supply chain.

      The project aims to broaden the production engineering laboratory in ASSAR's technology base to include more complete electric drive systems, which include systems for energy storage and power electronics. The focus is on creating a broad knowledge base in testing, including testing of production approaches in pre-commercial series, verification of production methods, and research and simulation of production systems in different parts of the value chain. In the long term, the goal is to achieve a long-term established and secured production of electric drivelines in the region, with many years of secured employment in the automotive industry and its supply chain.

      Spreading capacity throughout the supplier structure

      The project further develops the production technology laboratory ASSAR to become a broader knowledge base for testing and verification, production of pre-series and simulation of implementation in production, for all manufacturing companies and technology companies in the region. The project is based on the possibilities and conclusions that come from already completed projects within the framework of ASSAR Industrial Innovation Arena, via the University of Skövde and within the framework of collaboration with IDC's partner companies.

      Efficient production of electric powertrains in Sweden

      Linked to the automotive industry and the knowledge node that ASSAR Industrial Innovation Arena is today with international luminosity, this project will contribute to the vision of creating a national center for research and development in production processes for complete electric powertrains. The project clearly supports green conversion and sustainability through the development of manufacturing methods for electric powertrains. Digital conversion and innovation are supported in the new opportunities created with AI in the new manufacturing processes. The project is specifically focused on the automotive industry and favors collaboration between a number of parties; IDC as project cohesion, the University of Skövde and Science Park Skövde AB as well as OEMs who assist with knowledge to support SMEs to be competitive in new manufacturing techniques

      Builds capacity and integrates throughout the value chain

      The knowledge built within the project comes from the region's manufacturing industry and technology companies in part through collaboration in the open lab environment in ASSAR Industrial Innovation Arena and through workshops and seminars.


      The project is funded by the European Regional Development Fund through React EU and the Västra Götaland region.

      Project Leader


      Participating Researchers

      Published: 2/8/2022
      Edited: 2/8/2022