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      The Student Union awarded five teachers the Golden Apple

      Published 17 May 2023

      The Student Union in Skövde hands out their award, the Golden Apple, every year to five teachers who deserve a little extra attention. The award goes to one teacher per school at the University. This year, the Golden Apple award winners are described, among other things, as "engaging", "responsive", "fair" and “in a class of their own".

      The teachers awarded the Golden Apple 2023: Christer Thörnqvist, Ulrica Bohné, Oskar MacGregor and Per Backlund. Mikaela Ridelberg is missing in the picture.

      On May 17, the University of Skövde held its graduation ceremony for this year's graduating students. During the ceremony, the Student Union in Skövde traditionally handed out its Golden Apple award. The award goes to one teacher per school at the University and it is the students themselves who are behind the nominations.

      This year's Golden Apple award winners are

      The nominations

      Oskar MacGregor

      Incredible teacher who can make the most boring subjects feel fun. He manages to make even the most painfully dry subjects interesting with his engaging and professional teaching methods. Seeing how much effort and care that goes into his lectures also inspires students to do their best to match his energy. Having someone dedicate this much time and attention to your learning material makes you feel like your education is actually meaningful and important beyond its purely academic value.

      Christer Thörnqvist

      There is a constant desire for all students to succeed, while at the same time they must have the best possible conditions. He is always available and ready for everyone, and always puts the students first. That makes him the most caring teacher at the University. His way of being and the way he teaches is in a class of his own and for that he deserves to be praised every day of the year. You should be happy if you were lucky enough to meet him in some context. Christer is a person who makes learning much more enjoyable.

      Mikaela Ridelberg

      With commitment, clarity and fairness, Mikaela has followed us through several courses. Her strong leadership skills and her enormous professional skills make Mikaela a good role model for us students in the Nursing programme. Mikaela is fair in her assessment and she always gives clear instructions for tasks and training. A moment that all participants feel satisfied with, mostly because of Mikaela's good mood, work ethic and commitment. For Mikaela, there are no impossibilities, only possibilities.

      Per Backlund

      He has been organized in teaching and good at teaching us all the important things needed. He has always been very responsive and helpful. Something that I find outstanding for him is his contacts to the Serious Games industry and possible clients for serious game projects and how he managed to incorporate those extremely well into our curriculum. Takes initiative by putting together exciting expeditions outside of university environment! He nourishes students' curiosity! His lectures are anecdotal and interesting.

      Ulrica Bohné

      Ulrica is a great source of inspiration. She is incredibly talented and knowledgeable in the field she teaches. It is noticeable that she has extensive experience. I have learned a lot from her and she has supported me tremendously during adversity. During the education, she has prepared me and my classmates for working life after graduation. She is passionate about teaching and is good at giving constructive criticism for our development and learning. She is a worthy winner of the Golden Apple. When I grow up, I want to be like Ulrica.

      Published: 5/17/2023
      Edited: 5/17/2023