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      Employers curious about Ahmed´s Global Swede award

      Published 10 August 2021

      Ahmed Mohamed from Egypt studied the Master´s programme in Molecular Biotechnology at the University of Skövde. During his two years in Sweden as an international student he was awarded as University of Skövde´s Global Swede in 2019. Ahmed now lives in Finland and aims to do research in Japan.

      Ahmed Mohamed has a Bachelor´s of Pharmacy from the University of Tanta in Egypt. In 2017 he came to Skövde as an international student. He started his Master´s degree in Systems Biology and studied the Master´s programme in Molecular Biotechnology.

      – A friend of mine highly recommended Skövde as with its good teaching support, is a growing environment for students. Sweden attracted me because its supreme quality of education and for me it was also a unique experience weather-wise, says Ahmed Mohamed.

      What did it mean to you to study and live in a foreign country?

      – Living in a foreign country like Sweden developed my personality in many different ways, from cultural integration to my way of thinking through its innovative educational system.

      How would you summarise your time in Skövde and Sweden?

      Skövde city, as small as it is, has a cosy supportive atmosphere. The best part is the cultural diversity, I had the chance to make a lot of international friends, and one could say mates for life. Sweden has a rich culture and a friendly community. I loved how colourful the buildings are and the beautiful nature everywhere, this was just purely reassuring.

      Employers want to hear about the prize

      Global Swede is part of the Government’s and the Swedish institute´s long-term relationship building with international students in Sweden. An award that about twenty international students from different Swedish universities receive every year.

      During your time in Sweden you got the Global Swede award in 2019. How has it affected you?

      – It got me floating on air to have such prestigious recognition for my experience in Sweden. Employers have been curious to hear more about the Global Swede award during interviews.

      What are you doing now and what do you think you will be doing in five years’ time?

      – I am now living in Kuopio, Finland, where I will start my PhD study at A.I.Virtanen Institute at the University of Eastern Finland. In five years, I plan to start my post-doc study in Japan where I could pick up their new and intriguing ways of approaching science.

      Published: 8/10/2021
      Edited: 8/10/2021