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      "Data Science at the University of Skövde was my first-choice"

      Published 10 January 2023

      After two university degrees Fatime Toci decided to continue studying, but this time in another country. Her brother encouraged her to go to Sweden and a scholarship made the dream about studying abroad come true. “The Master´s Programme in Data Science at the University of Skövde was my first-choice admission, “ she says.

      Fatime Toci is from Albania and grew up in the capital Tirana. At high school she studied both advanced maths and english and was convinced that she wanted to go on to university. She did choose between studying chemistry, architecture or information technology (Informatics).

      “I looked at the job opportunities and decided that I wanted to study information and technology. It was a newer subject at the University in Tirana and a subject I was interested in.”

      She went to one of the biggest public universities in Albania and after her Bachelor´s exam she continued her studies and also did a Master´s Programme in Information Technology (Informatics).

      After university she got a job as a Data Engineer for an international airline.

      “I began working for Lufthansa as they have a branch in Albania. I still work for them, but fulltime remote. My scholarship covers about half of the costs for studying at the University of Skövde.”

      After the summer Fatime and her fiancé, who also is a Master´s student at the University of Skövde, left southern Europe to move to Skövde.

      “We are both studying the Master´s Programme in Data Science. I wanted a second Master´s and now in Data Science since companies worldwide more and more employ Data Scientists, and that what I am aiming to get a job as.”

      How come you choose to study in Sweden and Skövde?

      “For me Sweden has always been a country far away, but my brother had a big influence on me telling me what an opportunity it would be going to Sweden. I started to look at different opportunities and educations in Sweden. I read syllabuses and did my research on various Master´s programmes and universities, and after that the Master´s programme in Data Science at the University of Skövde was my first-choice.”

      Fatime describes Swedes as friendly and helpful.

      “Yes, I found the people here very helpful as I have been to various authorities such as the tax office. They are keen to help.”

      Fatime has a great discipline and is very focused on what she wants to achieve. Most of her time is divided between studies and work. 

      The University of Skövde offers students to meet at a weekly Language- and Cultural Café. Fatime has been to most of the cafés during the semester.

      “It has been very helpful to practise what I have learnt during the lectures in Swedish language. Also, to gain confidence and courage to speak. Swedish teacher, Ines, has been a great help for us to better understand the language. At campus I really appreciate the buildings, as there are many good places where students can sit and study, and especially the library where it is also possible to book a room. It is also great with the small kitchen areas where one can heat food.

      Do you have any advice for people considering studying abroad?

      “I recommend them to do a lot of research about the programme, the subjects and also the country.”

      Read more about Data Science - Master´s programme

      Published: 1/10/2023
      Edited: 1/10/2023