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      Student’s thesis project gave Aurobay a boost in production development

      Published 17 October 2023

      When it was time for the engineering students Björn Rehnberg and Vincent Vallin Sälle to do their thesis project, Aurobay had a suitable assignment. The duo was to research different joining techniques and come up with the method that was most suitable for a new construction at the company. The resulting product is now used in production and the former students were offered employment at Aurobay.

      Björn Rehnberg and Vincent Vallin Sälle studied engineering at the University of Skövde for completely different reasons. Vincent came straight from high school. He has always enjoyed maths and physics and thought that an education in engineering was a good and broader career choice than investing in becoming a mathematician or physicist.

      Björn, on the other hand, worked as a welder, but had a longing for the engineering profession. He states that he now has great use from his previous knowledge of CAD and of various materials and metals. When time came for their thesis project, the duo decided to work on it together and it soon became clear that there was a very suitable assignment for them.

      Thesis on assignment

      Aurobay in Skövde had contacted the University and was looking for engineering students who could research a matter about materials technology. Björn and Vincent took on the assignment as their Bachelor’s thesis project. Together, they would analyse a method Aurobay needed help with. The students researched and evaluated different joining methods for aluminium profiles to find out which one was best suited for the construction Aurobay had in mind. The end product is a major and important product development for the company.

      “We were able to confirm, with scientific data, that their choice of joining method worked well. The plan is that the construction will be produced and used in the future.”

      Was offered employment

      Björn and Vincent felt well received in the workplace and say that Aurobay sees "thesis writers" as a good way to increase competence within the company.

      “That's why we came in, to contribute with expertise in certain areas. You learn a lot at the University, which is much needed in their operations. The company thinks it is positive to bring new thinking into the organisation,” says Björn.

      “We showed our competence and ambition when we worked on our thesis, and noticed early on that there could be an opportunity for employment after finishing our thesis,” says Vincent.

      They both got jobs after the graduation. David Liljeblad is Head of department at Aurobay, and also Björn's boss.

      “We were satisfied with the result they achieved. That was one of the reasons why they passed through the recruitment process,” he says.

      For Aurobay, it is a strategic decision to work with students writing their thesis. On the one hand, the company wants to be an attractive employer, and on the other hand they see students as a way to acquire skills. The students can contribute new thoughts and approaches in various areas, without being colored by the company's thinking.

      “We learn things at the same time as the students learn things. It creates value for us. We are positive about taking on students in the future as well and are constantly looking for suitable assignments that a thesis writing student could take on with us.”

      Read more about our educations in Engineering and Technology

      Published: 10/17/2023
      Edited: 10/17/2023