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      International students received diplomas from the Swedish Institute

      Published 30 May 2022

      Every year, the Swedish Institute holds a ceremony to present diplomas to international master’s students who have completed their education while receiving the Swedish Institute Scholarship for Global Professionals (SISGP). This year 370 scholarship holders from 47 countries graduated, three of which completed their education at the University of Skövde.

      On May 21, the scholarship holders gathered for a gala dinner at Stockholm City Hall. The gala dinner was in the Blue Hall, the same hall where the Nobel Prize gala dinner is held. Among the participants were Adewale Adeyemo and Pheeha Machaka, who have both studied a Master’s in Data Science at the University of Skövde. The SISGP programme gave them the possibility to come to Sweden and study at the University of Skövde.

      “I usually work as a lecturer at the University of South Africa but I wanted to deepen my knowledge within Data Science. I chose Sweden since I have friends from the country and the University of Skövde had the specific programme that I was looking for,” said Pheeha.

      Adewale chose to pursue an education in Sweden for similar reasons. A friend recommended Sweden, and the programme matched the field that he wanted to expand his knowledge in.

      “The studies have been rewarding but also demanding. There are high standards and you are expected to know quite a lot, which gives you a good advantage into the working life,” Adewale commented.

      Both Pheeha and Adewale will soon finish their studies, and afterwards, they have different plans. Adewale is planning to go back to his home country Nigeria and continue to work on his data analytics startup company. Pheeha is seeking a position where he can put his skills to use solving business and research challenges.

      They both say that they have enjoyed their time in Skövde, feel that they have learned a lot, and even though they arrived during the pandemic, they have gotten to know people here and gained friends for life. As SISGP holder graduates, they will also now become members of the SI’s Sweden Alumni Network, which today constitutes approximately 16 000 members worldwide.


      International Coordinator

      Published: 5/30/2022
      Edited: 5/30/2022