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      Can animals help us understand how to interact with robots?

      10/26/2020 The international conference RO-MAN recently awarded Erik Lagerstedt, doctoral student in informatics at the University of Skövde the RSJ/KROS Distinguished Interdisciplinary Resea...

      Research: Facilitating collaboration between humans and robots

      10/22/2020 Human-robot collaboration – it may sound like science fiction, but it has now become a reality. Patrik Gustavsson is a research student at the University of Skövde, and has develop...

      Karoline Forsberg - finalist in the Women in Games Award

      10/20/2020 Karoline Forsberg studied Game Development - Design at the University of Skövde during 2010-2013 and currently works as a Senior Gameplay Designer at the British game studio nDream...

      Sweden Game Conference focuses on companies and students

      10/19/2020 This year's Sweden Game Conference will be held in a slightly different format. The event has been slimmed down, and most of it will be digital. Much focus is on game development s...

      DONNA DAY - networking for a more equal gaming industry

      10/16/2020 On October 21, it's time for the fourth annual DONNA DAY – a network meeting for female game students and developers. As networking is central to DONNA DAY, the day will be held as...

      Research: Reducing the risks involved in mobile devices

      10/13/2020 It has become common for many people to use their mobile phone for both private and work purposes. This can pose risks for companies, as it becomes less clear who owns what informa...

      Research: A more structured approach to information security

      10/6/2020 All organisations possess large amounts of information. However, without knowledge of how information is to be classified, there is a risk that information will fall into the wrong...