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      University of Skövde, link to startpage


      Students from Skövde received diplomas from the Swedish Institute

      5/30/2023 On Saturday 27 May, the Swedish Institute (SI) hosted a ceremony in Stockholm to celebrate graduating SI scholarship holders. Six international students from the University of Sköv...

      The secrets behind the successes – an insight into the creation of the digital games of the future

      5/23/2023 What is behind the hugely successful games from Sweden and Skövde? How does a game come to be and how much thought, planning, knowledge and hard work is required? These are questio...

      The Student Union awarded five teachers the Golden Apple

      5/17/2023 The Student Union in Skövde hands out their award, the Golden Apple, every year to five teachers who deserve a little extra attention. The award goes to one teacher per school at t...

      The professor who is an expert in AI, complex problems, and bridge

      5/15/2023 One could say that she creates the future – the Computer Scientist who became a Professor in Production Technology, and AI Expert. She also plays Bridge at the Swedish Championship...

      The brain reacts differently to skin-to-skin contact depending on the context

      5/12/2023 The touch of another human being can raise levels of the "feel good" hormone oxytocin. But the context plays a big role. The situation not only affects the oxytocin level in the mo...

      Game studio in Skövde invests in research for increased profitability

      5/10/2023 Pieces Interactive has chosen to fund a game researcher from the University of Skövde. As a Swedish entertainment game developer, this makes them unique so far. “The research creat...

      New EU project mapping invasive crab in Lake Vänern

      5/8/2023 The European Union is investing nearly 2,8 million Euros in a research project on the Chinese Mitten crab, a species that does not belong in European seas and rivers. Sonja Leidenb...

      Engineering student Fernanda found peace in Skövde

      5/3/2023 Fernanda Morales Peñaloza grew up in busy Mexico City. She decided to study Design Engineering at the University of Skövde for a year and found nature, peace and silence. Now, she ...