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      This content was published more than six months ago.

      International award for professor at the University of Skövde

      Published 4 December 2020

      Susanne Durst, professor of Business Administration at the University of Skövde, has received international attention for her research. “How far have we come with the study of knowledge risks?” has been selected as an Outstanding Paper in the 2020 Emerald Literati Awards. The editorial team said that it is one of the most exceptional pieces of work they saw last year.

      Congratulations Susanne Durst,
      The obvious question, how does it to feel receive this award from Emerald Literati Publishing?
      – The award came really by surprise. But a very nice surprise indeed. On the other hand, I am very proud to see that my work is apparently viewed as valuable and relevant, which in turn increases my motivation even more.

      What does the award mean for the University of Skövde?
      – I guess for the University of Skövde in general the prize is a nice confirmation that relevant and topical research can be conducted in smaller universities too. Which in turn stresses the relevance of smaller universities for continued knowledge creation.  

      Can you briefly describe what your acclaimed article is about?
      – This paper focuses on a still new strand of research in the field of knowledge management; namely knowledge risk management which stresses that knowledge per is not positive, valuable but that there are a number of incidents when knowledge can also form a type of risk/a liability. Based on that the paper argues for a broad perspective of knowledge and its management and aimed at determining the extant literature that has addressed knowledge risks to date. This was done by the means of a systematic literature review and the results of the review were used to derive promising areas for future research in that area. 

      And you also work at a university in Estonia, right?
      – Yes, I am a Professor of Management at Tallinn University of Technology. Amongst others, I am in charge of the doctoral school at the Department of Business Administration. 

      Article available wordwide

      The prestigious international prize consists of a certificate and that Professor Durst's work will be presented on the Emerald Literati website. The article will also be made available worldwide, for a period of one year, so that both researchers and other interested can access this research from the University of Skövde, free of charge.


      Professor of Business Administration

      Published: 12/4/2020
      Edited: 12/4/2020