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      "International education has expanded my experiences and perspectives"

      Published 24 August 2021

      Faith-Grace Ameku grew up in the United Kingdom, with Ghanaian parents. For the last couple of years, she has been studying Biomedicine at the University of Skövde. Her favourite thing about Sweden – the kanelbulle.

      Why did you choose the University of Skövde for your bachelor’s studies?

      – I chose to study at the University of Skövde because the courses in the Biomedicine Programme sparked my interest. I thoroughly enjoyed the structure of the programme, which covered several areas of this broad subject in detail. Secondly the extensive facilities and support system led me to select this university. The University offers carer and study guidance, student counsellors, health service and pedagogical support for students with disabilities. They cater to a range of students and understand the diverse needs of students. I strongly believed that this university would equip and prepare me for an exciting future after my bachelor’s studies.

      What are your plans after graduating?

      – During my final semester I applied to masters’ courses in Sweden to further my education and knowledge in biomedicine. Throughout my bachelor’s studies, I gained an interest in pathology and medical genetics. I plan to gain a deeper understanding and specialise in this sector.

      What advice do you have for students who want to attend a study programme in Skövde?

      – For students who are undecided about studying in Skövde, I would advise to be brave and jump at the opportunity. It is both exciting and scary. However, the teachers at Skövde are well experienced and ready to provide exceptional support. It is a challenge to leave your comfort zone and move to an unfamiliar environment, but it is worth it. Come with an open and positive mindset, ready to experience a different culture, learn a new language, try new foods, and make new friends. This experience will help you to attain new skills and gain independence. 

      What do you like most with studying an international programme?

      – It is thrilling to study in an international programme. International education has expanded my experiences and perspectives. Exposure to a different environment, culture, language, and norms has broadened my general perception. I have enjoyed forming international networks and relationships. Additionally, international study has helped me to become adaptable and innovative, which I can apply to future employment.

      What do you like most about Sweden?

      – Sweden is a beautiful country filled with a lot of wild nature and lakes. It is rich in history and culture with plenty to see and do. It is impossible to live in Sweden and not meet friends for fika, celebrate midsummer or drink glögg in the Christmas season. My personal favourite thing about Sweden is their kanelbulle, this is a traditional cinnamon bun. There is even a day dedicated to this cinnamon bun, October 4.


      Fika - coffee and cake break, a social institution central to Swedish life
      Midsummer - a traditional festive celebration at the summer solctice 
      Glögg – a traditional form av mulled wine. You drink it heated
      Kanelbulle – a very Swedish cinnamon bun

      More information about the Biomedicine programme

      Published: 8/24/2021
      Edited: 8/24/2021