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      Sergey Redyuk is Global Swede 2018

      Published 9 May 2018

      Sergey Redyuk, student of Master’s programme in Data Science, is University of Skövde’s Global Swede for 2018. The annual recognition of Global Swede is a joint initiative by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Swedish Institute. This is the eighth year this recognition is awarded.

      So, Sergey, how does it feel to be rewarded this prize?

      – Motivated to keep going! Such an acknowledgement shows that I am on the right track. It makes me feel that I can inspire other students to be more active and leave their comfort zones seeking for new adventures.

      How come you won, you think?

      – Being easy-going, open to new incentives and constantly looking for opportunities. My father always says there is no point of declining something that you have not tried yet. If it works out - good job. If not - you gain experience anyways. I guess this approach made me the person who I am now and helped me win this award.

      How would you describe your time in Sweden and Skövde?

      – Exciting and fun! New cultures, new connections, new projects, and new perspectives that I have not experienced before. I tried myself as a researcher, teacher, leader - positions that let me broaden my horizons and improve my skills. What is more important, I've met new friends who helped me move along. I am truly grateful for that!

      What is the best thing about being a student of University of Skövde?

      – I would say the best thing is that the environment in Skövde is synergetic. On the one hand, it's a small city, rather quite, close to nature. On the other hand, it's full of bright individuals willing to share their experience, foster some really cool ideas and bring them to life. By combining those altogether, Skövde provides a great atmosphere for living and studying.

      Tove Helldin, Associate Senior Lecturer in Informatics, nominated Sergey Redyuk for the Global Swede award:

      "Sergey has proven to be an excellent ambassador for the University of Skövde. He has excelled in the various courses included in the two year data science master's program and, as a study program student representative, he is always eager to help out. During his study time at the university, Sergey has also been a valuable member of several of our research projects, contributing with his knowledge and unending enthusiasm. Sergey has demonstrated a genuine interest for interdisciplinary collaborations, by arranging several workshops for students and researchers at the university. As a SI scholarship holder, Sergey has also been active in their various initiatives and social activities. Sergey is truly a Global Swede!"

      Published: 5/9/2018
      Edited: 1/29/2020