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      Högskolan i Skövde, länk till startsida

      Publikationer i urval

      Denna sida innehåller ett urval av publikationer från projektet SUDO.

      Fischer, T., Lundell, B. and Gamalielsson, J. (2023) On PDF/A Conformance and Font Usage in PDF Documents Provided by Public Sector Organizations, International Journal of Standardization Research, Vol. 20(1), pp. 1-19. https://doi.org/10.4018/IJSR.329605

      Lundell, B., Gamalielsson, J. and Katz, A. (2023) Implementing the HEVC standard in software: Challenges and Recommendations for organisations planning development and deployment of software, Journal of Standardisation, Vol. 2.

      Lundell, B., Gamalielsson, J., Katz, A., and Lindroth, M. (2022b) Data Processing and Maintenance in Different Jurisdictions When Using a SaaS Solution in a Public Sector Organisation, JeDEM - EJournal of EDemocracy and Open Government, Vol. 14(2), pp. 214–234.

      Lundell, B., Gamalielsson, J., Katz, A. and Lindroth, M. (2022a) Use of Commercial SaaS Solutions in Swedish Public Sector Organisations under Unknown Contract Terms, In Janssen, M. et al. (Eds.) EGOV 2022: Electronic Government, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol 13391, Springer, Cham, pp. 73-92.

      Butler, S., Gamalielsson, J., Lundell, B., Brax, C., Persson, T., Mattsson, A., Gustavsson, T., Feist, J. and Öberg, J. (2022) An Exploration of Openness in Hardware and Software Through Implementation of a RISC-V Based Desktop Computer, In The 18th International Symposium on Open Collaboration (OpenSym 2022), ACM, New York.

      Gamalielsson, J., Lundell, B., Butler, S., Brax, C., Persson, T., Mattsson, A., Gustavsson, T., Feist, J, and Öberg, J. (2022) On engagement with ICT standards and their implementations in open source software projects: the case of WebRTC, In: Jakobs, K. & Kim, D. H. (Eds.): Proceedings of the 26th EURAS Annual Standardisation Conference – Standardisation and Open Source, EURAS contributions to standardisation research, Vol. 17, Mainz Publishers, ISBN 978-3-95886-446-7, pp. 143-162.

      Gamalielsson, J., Lundell, B., Butler, S., Brax, C., Persson, T., Mattsson, A., Gustavsson, T., Feist, J. and Lönroth, E. (2021). Towards open government through open source software for web analytics: The case of Matomo, JeDEM - eJournal of eDemocracy and Open Government, Vol. 13(2), pp. 133-153.

      Gamalielsson, J., Lundell, B. and Butler, S. (2021) On Engagement with ICT Standards and Their Implementations in Open Source Software Projects: The Case of H.265, In: Jakobs, K. (Ed.) Joint Proceedings of the 25th EURAS Annual Standardisation Conference - Standardisation and Innovation & 11th International Conference on Standardisation and Innovation in Information Technology (SIIT) - The Past, Present and FUTURE of ICT Standardisation, EURAS contributions to standardisation research, Vol. 16, Mainz Publishers, ISBN 978-3-95886-421-4, pp. 191-210.

      Lundell, B., Gamalielsson, J., Katz, A. and Lindroth, M. (2021) Perceived and Actual Lock-in Effects Amongst Swedish Public Sector Organisations when Using a SaaS Solution, In Scholl, H. J. et al. (Eds.) EGOV 2021: Electronic Government, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 12850, Springer, Cham, pp. 59-72.

      Lundell B., Gamalielsson, J., Butler, S., Brax, C., Persson, T., Mattsson, A., Gustavsson, T., Feist, J. and Öberg, J. (2021) Enabling OSS usage through procurement projects: How can lock-in effects be avoided?, In Taibi, D. et al. (Eds.), The 13th International Conference on Open Source Systems (OSS 2021), IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, Vol. 624, Springer, Cham, pp. 16-27.

      Publicerad: 2021-09-10
      Senast ändrad: 2021-09-10
      Sidansvarig: webmaster@his.se